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Preparing for gmat in 2 months: 5 best ways to study for the GMAT Quantitative section

Updated: Feb 5, 2022

1. Review math basics

The main math concepts tested on the GMAT are relatively simple – arithmetic, algebra, geometry – but you probably haven’t studied them since high school. Your GMAT prep will get nowhere if you don’t first review basic concepts in these three areas.

All of your major GMAT study guides should include a section on review. Don’t rush through this section – take the time to really relearn the material. Although it’s been a while, you’ll likely refresh your memory quickly.

For those concepts that will take a little more time to solidify in your brain, create flashcards. Don’t be afraid to pull out those flashcards on the bus, in the grocery line, or whenever you have a few extra minutes.

2. Take the Quantitative section of a practice GMAT test

Taking a practice test will allow you to get an idea of where you are starting from and how much further you have to go. Follow the timing for the real test. Don’t worry too much about the score yet – that’s what the rest of the plan is for. Several online resources provide free practice content.

3. Analyze your practice test

Review the results of your practice test very carefully. Note the questions that you answered incorrectly and study the explanations of the correct answers. Make flashcards for the concepts tested on those questions. Create a spreadsheet indicating the questions that you answered incorrectly, as well as their respective topics and sub-topics.

In fact, creating a spreadsheet will do more to prepare you for business school than anything that the GMAT tests!4. Identify your area of greatest weakness and attack it

If you are having trouble with geometry questions about angles, you need to practice geometry questions about angles. Work on as many questions like this as you can find.

Use your spreadsheet to go back to problems that you previously answered incorrectly and do them again. You can then move on to another weakness and do the same thing: lather, rinse, repeat.

5. Continue to take more GMAT practice tests and analyze them

Obviously, there are many mathematical topics that you need to understand in order to score well on the Quant section of the GMAT – but taking GMAT practice tests is just as important in order to achieve this.

[Please visit for more tips for GMAT preparation.]

So much of this test involves being familiar with the types of questions and also avoiding common pitfalls. You can only master this if you practice, practice, practice! You should plan on taking at least six practice tests before the exam, at a pace of at least one per week.


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