"On the GMAT, you don’t get to show your work. From the computer’s perspective, you either got the problem right or you got it wrong. The test can’t tell the difference between somebody who didn’t understand the problem at all and somebody who got 99.9% of the way there, but made a single tiny error at the very end.
That can be really frustrating. You can study for the GMAT for weeks and learn a ton of material but only see a modest improvement on GMAT onling practice tests. The problem is, the GMAT online test itself can’t tell that you’ve learned the material, until you’ve learned it so well that you can reliably get problems right. That’s a lot harder than just learning until you “get it,” or learning until you can follow along with a online courses for GMATpreparation or an GMAT Interact lesson.
[You can get more information from GMAT prep website www.gogogmat.com]
Long story short, don’t let yourself put down a topic once you feel as if you ‘get it.’ Continue studying even the material that you think you understand, until you’re consistently performing well on that topic when you take GMAT practice tests. "