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Find the author's intentions and crafts - winning GMAT reading.[GMAT preparation near me]

Updated: Feb 5, 2022

Before talking about the method, I would like to emphasize that reading ability depends on reading more and practicing more, whether it is reading speed, article comprehension, or answering questions. There is no way to practice alone, and it may become more effective with less effort, but it will eventually improve, and after finding a way, reading will have a qualitative leap. On the other hand, if there is only a method and you don't practice, when it comes to the exam, it is very likely that you can't read the article, and you have no patience to do the questions.

I think RC has 3 phases:

After reading it, I don't know exactly what I read. There are too many new words in the sentence. I only understand after reading the explanation. For these students, weak reading has little to do with skills. Read more and memorize more words.

The articles I read can be roughly understood, but when I do the questions, I am always affected by the interference options. I always feel that I almost did it right, but I always do it wrong, especially when it is often ruled out that the last two options are 2 or 1, and then I struggle for a long time and choose the wrong one.

Read, do questions, no problem. After the above stage, there is almost no problem with RC, and no matter how difficult the subject is, don't try to stumped you. Students who have reached this stage are generally the most stable projects in the verb, both in terms of accuracy and pace.

The most suitable reading method for me should be the second stage of children's shoes. With this reading method, the final correct answer can be easily found. Of course, this method can also improve the reading ability of children's shoes in the first stage. Even if the words are not enough, they can solve a lot of questions after mastering the structure of the article. But if you want to really conquer reading, you still have to improve your vocabulary and reading volume~

OK, let's cut to the chase!

As big as any book, any article, as small as any sentence, any word, if you want to read through, you must know two things:

author's intent, writer's craft.

why? Because after you figure out these two points, you become the author himself.

Intent is the purpose of your writing, and technique is the words, sentences, examples, theories, logic, quotations, etc. you use to convey your purpose.

You will find that most of the questions asked in the GMAT reading test are of this type:

Why did the author write this article?

Why did the author give this example?

What is the author's purpose for citing this passage?

You can speculate that the author thinks xyz?

What is the role of this sentence of the author highlighted in the article in the whole article?


This shows how important it is to understand the author's intentions and crafts

Just make two simple examples:

If a paragraph reads like this:

Viewpoint 1... Example... Viewpoint 2.

What is the author's intent?

It must support View 1, View 2 and View 1 must be on the same front, but only an extension of View 1.

How did I know this intention of the author?

Because the author uses the example of this method. Between View 1 and View 2, give an example as a support for View 1 and as a bridge connecting View 1 and View 2.

(Similar writing: the first paragraph on page 380 of OG13)

Now, if a paragraph reads like this:

Viewpoint 1...Logic of Viewpoint 1...Turning (Viewpoint 2)...Example... Viewpoint 3.

What is the author's intent?

It definitely points out the logical problem with point 1 and supports point 2.

How did I know this intention of the author?

Because of the author's method! As soon as the author wrote the logic of Viewpoint 1, he immediately made a turning point, indicating that the problem of Viewpoint 1 must lie in its logic, which is also the content of Viewpoint 2. Then the author gives an example, which must be used to prove the logical error of View 1 (to prove View 2), and then support View 3.

(Similar writing: OG13 p. 386)

Think about it, if you write the article yourself, do you have to write it like this? !

In this way, you can still follow the clues, thinking that if the author of the article wants to continue writing, should you expand some aspects of point 3? This helps to understand the next paragraph.

The GMAT is likely to test you like this:

Viewpoint 1 [Test site: What is the author's attitude towards Viewpoint 1]...Logic of Viewpoint 1 [Test site: What can we speculate about this sentence? ]... Turning point (viewpoint 2) [Test site: What is the function of this sentence in the text? ]...Example [Test site: What is the role of the author with this example? ]... Viewpoint 3 [Test site: We can speculate that the author thinks...? ].

Questions like this, as long as you know the author's intentions and crafts, are completely fine.

The advantages and accuracy of this reading method

The advantages of this reading method for the purpose of understanding the author's intentions and methods are:

The speed of eliminating options is fast: your idea is the author's idea, so the confusing options that do not conform to the author's idea can be eliminated in seconds (excluded within a few seconds).

Precise positioning of questions: Because you know the function of every sentence in the article, even if you don't read it very carefully, you can know where the exact positioning is as soon as the test question comes out, and you can reread it immediately if you don't read it carefully.

The correct answer is high: a comparison of the original text and the final option after exclusion can instantly determine whether it is correct or not, without any doubts.

If this reading method is used well, the reading accuracy rate can reach more than 99%, and the speed of answering questions can be less than 30 seconds per question, which can be described as fast, accurate and stable. Using this method myself, OG, verbal, and prep questions (about 500 questions in total), only one question is really wrong. Other mistakes are due to not reading the topic carefully and carelessly, but overall the correct rate is still above 95%. Thinking like this, it should be a very useful method, and everyone is welcome to discuss it.

[Please visit for more gre GMAT preparation online information.]

It's not hard to read! As long as you master the skills + practice enough, you will find that the RC articles are so friendly and the RC topics are so cute. come on!


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