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GMAT study classes: Four Types of Questions in the Integrated Reasoning Section

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

There are four types of questions in the Integrated Reasoning Section—Multi-Source Reasoning, Table Analysis, Graphics Interpretation, and Two-Part Analysis. The questions involve both quantitative and verbal reasoning, either separately or in combination. There are two special features of this section: many questions require more than one response, and you will be able to use an online calculator with basic functions to answer the questions. Because the questions are designed to test your ability to integrate data to solve complex problems, you must answer all responses to a question correctly; no partial credit will be given according to GMAT test prep reddit.

For each Integrated Reasoning question type, you can sample multiple questions using the links below, and click the button at the bottom of the sample question screen to reveal the correct response.

Multi-Source Reasoning—Measures your ability to examine data from multiple sources text passages, tables, graphics, or some combination of the three—and to analyze each source of data carefully to answer multiple questions. Some questions will require you to recognize discrepancies among different sources of data. Others will ask you to draw inferences, and still others may require you to determine whether data is relevant.

Table Analysis—Measures your ability sort and analyze a table of data, similar to a spreadsheet, in order to determine what information is relevant or meets certain conditions.

Graphics Interpretation—Measures your ability to interpret the information presented in a graph or other graphical image (scatter plot, x/y graph, bar chart, pie chart, or statistical curve distribution) to discern relationships, and make inferences.

Two-Part Analysis—Measures your ability to solve complex problems. They could be quantitative, verbal, or some combination of both. The format is intentionally versatile to cover a wide range of content. Your ability to evaluate trade-offs, solve simultaneous equations, and discern relationships between two entities is measured. [Please visit for more gre GMAT preparation online information.]


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