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Recently, some people have asked math questions, so I will also share my views and methods.

My V score is very low, so I will only say some of my own views on mathematics, and those who find it helpful can also learn from it. Because I don't think the math of gmat is particularly difficult, so I am more likely to focus on the method of problem solving and the development of habits. Of course, you can ask me if you have any questions.

1. Time issues

I am very discouraged by those who say to finish the questions 20 minutes in advance. To be honest, if I practice prep and og before the exam, if I don’t follow my own strict method, a set of questions in 40 minutes can guarantee only 0 mistakes~ 4 questions,

but! ! In the test, you may fall into a low score because of a wrong question that should not be wrong, so remember, there is no interval of 0-4 questions, and there is no such thing as 51 wrong 0-2 questions.

As long as you remember, don't be wrong if you can be right, it's shameful to be wrong! After all, the final score is based on percentage, not according to whether you are 48.49.50 or 51, these are not important. 51 will also be divided into 99percent and 97.

Therefore, the test pace I recommend is to complete it in 70 minutes and give yourself a surplus of 5~10 minutes for each part to ensure unexpected situations and problems that will get stuck. If you find that there is a lot of time, slow down and check each question more

2. Don't do mental arithmetic

I have also seen many people who are very confident in themselves like to use mental arithmetic. Generally, this level is not bad. In this case, it only takes more than ten seconds to write with a pen during the test. Why bother to save ten seconds. error condition

3. Topic

Regarding the question type of DS (I have done a lot of questions, I think it is the most interesting part of mathematics), I want to say that you must find traps when practicing. In fact, there are not many knowledge points in the GMAT test. If You should know that if you have seen similar online courses, there are roughly ten parts. Let me give an example. For set-type questions, how many people choose physics, how many choose chemistry, and how many people choose physics but not chemistry? Such a question! As the most common type of question, we should summarize how many conditions should be included in this category of questions, including the question stem, both neither nor, either, so when you see something like the number of physics is twice the number of chemistry, physics 100 chemistry 50 This is a class of conditions.

There are also x>0, (1) x3-1>0 (2) x2-1>0 ; similar to this, when you usually do a question, you must think about why this question gives two conditions, Even why the position of these two conditions is the first and second, if you put (1) in the front, you will first consider the positive and negative of odd powers, and if you put (2) in the front, you will consider x first. The nature of the even power, so the first condition sometimes habitually makes you read the second condition and interferes, so when you do the question, you must completely distinguish between the two options. (Because the landlord found the wrong question record and found that there are no good examples, so please forgive me, if there are better examples, you can put forward them below)

For PS questions, I think they are all trap questions...

First of all, for the long question type, my personal feeling is that the longer the question is, the simpler factor? For messy questions, especially the remainder question, I feel that sometimes it is quite complicated to ask. If you don't have a good idea, just use the algebra value (this is also better when you have done a lot of parameter questions and checked back. method, it takes about ten seconds to substitute the numerical value to quickly check whether your answer is correct).

Especially I think for students who are studying, they must change the way of thinking about doing a lot of domestic math problems. Most of the gmat problems usually have only one way of thinking. When you find that your calculation results do not match the answer, don't. To entangle with the method problem, the high probability may be your negligence in reading the question or a calculation problem. When you should do the question, you can feel that our domestic teacher likes to come up with multiple solutions for one question, and even he knows how you will think about this question wrongly, so he gives this option in the answer to make you think you have done it. By the way (but gmat is very good, after all, it is not Chinese, more traps are derived from the reading of the title, such as 0.9percent,)

4. Finally, the focus is on the issue of manuscript paper.

I said that I have used it for many years, and it was taught to me by the teacher at the beginning. In fact, it is similar to the logic chain of CR (this ensures that you can quickly sort out each question, and ensure that the correct question must be correct), each Write good ideas, most of the gmat questions will not exceed 3.5 steps

In fact, I think that as a Chinese, everyone's level is not too bad. More is to find out the sensitivity to the traps set by gmat when practicing questions, just like many people say the feeling of verb (the landlord has never been able to find it) , don't underestimate mathematics, even if you are 51, I think it is necessary to brush up a few sets of mathematics before the test. I feel that doing too much math in GMAT is a bit like muscle memory. You can see where the traps are at a glance, and then you must check yourself when you are done. Did you recognize this trap?

The way I am accustomed to doing questions is to write out ideas for each question, try to control the time of 1 minute 15s to 30s to complete a question, and then quickly check it against my draft ideas in about 15s, because the process is very clear, more Test ideas and data, so it’s very fast to go through it quickly, and everyone will know it by trying it out for themselves.

It's written in a mess, and I hope it will help people who are struggling in 50. If you have any questions, you can ask the landlord. The writing is very hasty, and many examples are not very good. You are also welcome to give some more representative ones.


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