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Super detailed experience, how beginner can struggle to achieve GMAT math score of 51 in a short per

The first test is 710, the VERBAL score is average, and there is not much experience to say. Math review time is short, but the effect is not bad. My mathematics foundation is very general, and I have never participated in Mathematical Olympiad before. I have had zero chance to contact mathematics during my working years (even the addition is entrusted to excel. ⊙﹏⊙), the focus of this test is all on the verb and composition , the time spent on mathematics is very small, but fortunately the input-output ratio is good. A little thought to give back to everyone, and please bless my fracture faster, and I can walk in shoes earlier!

If your foundation is not too bad (for example, you forget the formula of the area of ​​a circle, you don't know what the coordinates are, etc.), you don't need to review mathematics too early. As long as you allocate time and tasks reasonably in the short term, mathematics review can also be very solid. solid.

Step 1: Look at the math explanation attached to the prep.

The mathematical content in the Prep is very clear, the structure is clear, and the words are concise and comprehensive. If you think that the OG math part is too large for children's shoes, you can choose to watch the prep (such as me). Watching the prep has two main functions:

1. Similar to the pre-exam teacher drawing a range, understand the boundaries of the test questions, what to test, and what not to test. In this way, the review will neither miss nor exceed the syllabus.

2. Clarify the English terms of each mathematical term, record and memorize the unfamiliar words immediately. Because of the context, the memory effect is far better than simply relying on a mathematical noun list in Chinese and English. This part is short and can be read in a few hours.

Step 2: Do the math practice questions provided in the prep, and find the feeling of doing the questions

Although the number of practice questions provided by Prep is very small, the advantage is that it provides an official difficulty classification. Since doing a simple question wrong in the actual test has a far greater impact on the score than doing a difficult question wrong, you can guide yourself according to this difficulty. The key points of one-step review, if you find that you often make mistakes because of sloppy simple questions, you must pay attention to it carefully.

At the same time, I began to have a preliminary understanding of the unfamiliar question type of DS questions. At the beginning, there must be a high error rate. It doesn't matter. From understanding to familiarity, there is always a process.

This part of the topic is also good, and it can be done in a few hours, mainly to find the feeling.

The third step: do OG, understand the idea of ​​​​the questioner

Mathematicians can skip this one. Doing OG is mainly to grasp the ideas that are different from domestic mathematics exams, especially DS questions.

For example, many remainder questions, single-digit questions, and parity questions are rarely involved in domestic mathematics exams.

For another example, some default constraints are used in many DS questions, such as people and objects cannot be integers, which is also relatively rare in domestic mathematics exams.

These things must be grasped and understood by yourself. Even if others tell you, because there is no real experience, it is just memorized and superficial, and it is difficult to use it flexibly in practical problems.

When you're halfway through, stop and move on to the next step.

This part takes half a day faster and a day slower.

Step 4: Look at the math summary post on the page

When I was halfway through, I encountered some obstacles or confusion more or less (except for the good people, of course), such as remainder questions or some permutation and combination questions, often without fixed ideas and methods, just relying on guessing, finding rules, etc. Wait, even if you do it right, there is a sense of insecurity.

At this time, I read the summary post on the version, which provides many rules and methods, such as how to do remainder operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, sequence parity, how to do permutation and combination problems, and so on.

If you go directly to the summary post without doing the questions, you will not be impressed, but if you look at it with questions and confusion, the effect will be much better.

This part is a few hours.

Step 5: Continue to do OG, especially DS

At this time, the feeling of DS should have been cultivated, and some precautions have also been clarified. For example, we must pay attention to the B condition alone, pay attention to some hidden danger constraints and so on. When it feels good to do it, OG can't do it. Because of my basic foundation, I was more cautious, and I finished the two parts of OG.

This part doesn't take much time, maybe a day or two.

Step 6: Phased Summary

Write down some of the experiences that you have accumulated while doing OG. There are many people on the page who have summarized it, but it is still the same sentence. Only what you have figured out can you firmly remember! ! Therefore, it is recommended to summarize by yourself, and then combine the content of the edition to supplement.

A few examples:

Ratio problem to see who is the numerator and who is the denominator

Pay attention to the conversion of units such as hours/minutes

Do not forget the constraints of the question stem when doing the question, such as integer, continuous, etc.

All are small, but very useful.

This part is quick, an hour, but it's important.

Step 7: Mock Test

There are not many mock exams. You must simulate the state and mentality of the real exam, so that you will find many problems that were not exposed when doing the questions. My problem is that I was very nervous during the mock test. I would repeatedly verify and confirm a question many times, and the result was that I almost didn't answer the question within the specified time! So embarrassing. Someone on the board has sent two sets of 800score questions, and it's good to take that mock test.

If this part is done slowly, one day.


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