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The score of the fifth test is 700 --GMAT, an experience about ability and mentality.

After going through five exams, I got a score of 700. During the half-year preparation process, my understanding of the GMAT continued to deepen with the exam. Along the way, I also received the guidance of very precious teachers and test friends, so I want to share some test experience with you.

I did all the self-study the first few times, and I only started listening to the class after the second test. The methods I explored in the early stage were all twists and turns, which were not universal to the topic, and I often wanted to make myself more difficult. For example, for grammar, I summarize the test sites by doing a lot of questions. Later, I realized that grammar should be learned from the big test sites first, build the framework of grammar, and then use the questions to check and fill in the gaps. I actually wasted a lot. time and precious topics.

1. SC:

Study the test site and build the test site framework; the basic contents of grammar are divided into sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, parallelism, comparison, modification, pronouns and tenses. There are many small test sites under each part. The application efficiency of the problem will be higher

Form a good question-taking habit: My question-taking habits are not very good. At the beginning of my own exploration of the test site, the distinction between relative errors and absolute errors is not obvious. If I see a relative error, this option will be sentenced to death. However, the test site of each question is different, and the author's intention is different, which will cause the so-called relative rule in the previous question to be inapplicable to this question. This is very normal in gmat, and we have to get used to it. A good question-making habit is to ① read the meaning of the question ② compare the options, pay attention to the hints in the underlined part ③ be aware of trade-offs when choosing one of the two. (This is easy for me to say now, but it is actually very difficult to apply the questions. It is often difficult for us to control our thoughts and do the questions rationally)

Be sure to develop the concept of relative error vs absolute error. Many of the grammar rules of GMAT are relative, for example, these generally do not stand alone as pronouns; or the use of what is often not good; if you see a relative error, you can't directly exclude this option unless you find an absolute error; many times the question You'll have to come back for these ugly-looking sentences when there's no better choice

To sum up, reading what the teacher said and what others said is not the same as remembering or using it. You need to have your own system of notes and error books to get twice the result with half the effort.

2. CR

My logic was the worst of the three at the beginning, but after I found a method, I could gradually identify the problem routines and it started to get better. Therefore, I suggest that you must learn the method first. The analysis of logic questions has the most obvious routine. There are three types of questions: attribution (causal) questions, causal questions (predicted results), and means and purpose questions, each of which has a fixed attack routine. After learning these methods, you can apply the routines to the questions. When I was doing the questions in the later stage, I mainly looked at the routines and what problem-solving methods were applied. After taking a set of og about 70 or 80 questions, it was almost clear.

3. RC

Reading is the most difficult short-term improvement. Reading has always been my strong point. IELTS reading is 8.5, but gmat reading can be really difficult. For me, my usual reading practice scores are okay, but when I get to the exam room, I get nervous and can't read anything. My suggestion for reading is that if you think that the problem of reading is not as big as in the exam, don't read jj. I have read jj 4 times, and it didn't really help me once. Instead, I didn't read jj for the last time, and I restored the feeling that I usually get a strange article by doing a question. It will be better to do the question again.

4. VERBAL strategy

Strategies can also play a big role in exams. First of all, you must know that the first two parts are relatively more important, so you can do it slowly and steadily in the front to ensure the upgrade; secondly, you must recognize the fact that after the upgrade, the difficulty will increase and you will not be able to complete the problem. It's normal, some questions should be discarded appropriately; in the end, which questions should be discarded, I think grammar and logic will have a higher weight in the language part, and a wrong reading will lose weight differently than a wrong cr, and cr is the more important question (Of course, this is very relative, of course it is the best to finish it!) My actual combat experience is that there are still about 10 courses left in the last 10 minutes. At this time, there is an article to read. I know this is the last one. I have read the article, so I gave up reading this article and left the time for the grammar and logic behind. I personally think this strategy works for me, but everyone still has to choose based on their own strengths and weaknesses.

5. Mathematics

Math is not too difficult, but you need to have some foundation. Gmat math is a bit like a brain teaser, but it is not difficult after turning around.


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