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GMAC test prep: Tips to prepare for Two-Part Analysis Type Questions

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Scan the question to determine the question type, here are a few pointers you can use to determine the same:

Scan for numbers or algebraic expressions to determine if it is a quant type question

Read the question stem and look for keywords such as infer, conclude, assume, etc. to determine if it’s a critical reasoning type question

Proceed to carefully read the information in the given passage. Summarize the information provided in the question. This applies to both quant and critical reasoning type questions.

To follow the rules type questions summarize the rules provided in the text passage.

For critical reasoning type questions identify the premises and conclusion.

Carefully reread the question stem to determine the required tasks and do not rely on the column headings to give direction.

Determine if the tasks are dependent or independent of each other, i.e. if the value of one answer determines the value of the other.

If the tasks are dependent, then look for an approach that relates the two answers. For e.g. in a quant type question with dependent tasks, using a system of equations based approach would work best as it would effectively relate the two answers.

If the two tasks are independent then you should tackle the easier task first. Since this may give you an additional insight that may be helpful in solving the harder task. [Please visit for more tips for GMAT preparation.]

Proceed to apply the most appropriate technique to solve the question based on the question type.

If you’re familiar with the subject matter of the question remember to use only the given information to solve the tasks. Remember that the GMAT does not require knowledge of any outside information to solve the question.

Lastly, remember that the same answer choice can be correct for both columns.


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